A penthouse accommodation or penthouse is an apartment or unit on the highest floor of an apartment, building, condominium, or hotel. Penthouses are typically differentiated from other apartments by luxury features. The term penthouse originally referred to, and sometimes still does refer to, a separate or smaller “house” that was constructed on the roof of an apartment building.
People travel for different reasons, some travel for the sake of adventure, while some travel because they want to be exposed to a different culture or lifestyle. The list could go on and on, and it brings light to the fact that since people travel with different reasons, it also follows that travels deals must be tailored to each traveller’s motivation. For luxury holidays, one of the determiners of a proper vacation is their accommodation. The hotels must give them a taste of the lifestyle they went to that place for.
The idea of a penthouse apartment was born in the 1920s, called ”The Roaring Twenties” when economic growth brought a construction boom to New York City, the heart of the American economy. The high demand for living in urban areas and wealth of Americans led to luxury buildings led to luxury apartments on the top floor or floor of buildings.
On the earliest penthouse apartment in the city was publisher Conde Nast’s duplex penthouse at 1040 Park Avenue. The original 1923 plan for the building provided three units on each of the floors with additional maids’ rooms on the roof, but in 1924, the building’s upper spaces were constructed to provide the grand duplex for Nast. Connected by a staircase to the rooftop entertaining salons, the corner unit at the top floor was designed to be private family quarters. The whole unit was decorated in the French manner by Elsie de Wolfe. Completed in 1925, Conde Nast’s duplex penthouse was used for many lavish parties, which were made famous as much as by guest lists as by the entertainment.
In architecture, the term penthouse is used to refer to a structure on the roof of a building that is set back from the outer walls. These structures do not occupy the entire roof deck. High-rise buildings often have penthouse structures called mechanical penthouses that enclose mechanisms such as elevator equipment.
While European designers and architects long recognised the potential in creating living spaces that make use of rooftops and such as setbacks, in US cities, exploitation of these spaces began in earnest in the 1920s. It was a matter of news when the development of rooftop apartments at the Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park was announced in 1923, and this followed by rapid development of luxury penthouse apartments in the following years.
Penthouse apartments have not only the advantages of regular holiday accommodation in Hervey Bay, such as security and convenient location but also many of those of a house such as size and design. Similar to the city apartments, penthouses are usually located in the heart of urban centres yet offer a sense of being far away from or above noisy and crowded urban life. Such locations provide easy access to hotels, restaurants, malls, and schools.
Penthouses are considered to be at the top of their markets and are generally the most expensive. They are however, worth the money that are put into them.